Evolution may one day get us to a point in which the work of a Medium is scientifically proven, but until then part of a Medium’s work will depend on people believing beyond the physical. Hopefully this blog can help readers deepen their understanding of our larger living systems, entities we are part of and perceived limits which are not as limited as we’ve been brought up to believe.
I wish to remind readers that once, we has humans, thought that the world was flat. We only discovered electrons about 100 years ago. The simplicity of things like a dog whistle can’t be heard by humans because it’s on a frequency (or vibration) the human ear can’t hear.
“If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” – Niels Bohr, Nobel Prize Winning Physicist (atomic structure and quantum theory)
Our human senses often misguide us to perceive things in life based on the the physical material world. Yet Nobel prize winning physicists have proven numerous times that these perceptions are wrong. In short and in simplest terms “EVERYTHING IS ENERGY.” Let’s start with that phrase. Albert Einstein’s infamous E = mc2 theory tells us that mass and energy are two forms of the same thing. Big or small, short or tall everything is energy. From the dust you don’t even notice landing on you as you read this, to the universe as a whole, to the smallest unit of matter that is an atom which are all around you (but try sharing an atom with me if you please!). Consider this. A cube of sugar contains as many atoms as there are stars in the universe. Are you starting to understand how limited in the physical sense we are as humans?
People often ask Truly “how do you connect with spirit?”. Truly works with YOUR energy, frequency and vibration. One of the big reasons Truly prefers face to face readings is because your physical presence greatly improves the probability of her connection for you. Face to face she can see, hear and feel your energy. Society has taught us to look at someone and their physical matter constitutes their presence. However, as stated above “Energy” is not defined and/or limited by a heart beat, or a physical mass of a loved one, so why would we feel one’s energy is terminated when they pass away? Connections with spirit are made by Truly as she raises her vibrational frequency (and spirit may need to lower theirs). That connection is often evident to a client when they witness fidgeting or Truly taking on/expressing the mannerisms of the person who has passed. A clients voice, early on in the reading, can assist in raising the vibration and assist in making that connection sooner due to their relationship with the deceased. Law of vibration states everything vibrates at one frequency or another including yourself. Key word here being “frequency”. Nothing rests and everything in this world and universe vibrates, so look around you as you literally are sitting in an ocean of energy. Your thoughts, feelings and actions you personally choose are set at your own vibration and they resonate with things that vibrate at an identical frequency. When Truly connects with spirit she seeks that parallel connection to establish that same frequency thus creating connection. This is why meditation is the foundation of her work.
“If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” - Nikola Tesla, Physicist (best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system)
Clients also have said “As a client I can’t see spirit, so how do I know they are really there?”. One element of sight is “Orbs”. Yes in some cases orbs are simply refractions of light in low lit areas, but sometimes orbs are spirits in their natural state. They look almost like bubbles and are more commonly captured in photographs, on video or even when watching your baby monitor. Truly did a group reading in March of this year in which her work was video taped. After the clients later viewed their tape they excitedly reported all the heavy orb activity while she was working. Those orbs where the spirits Truly was working with to communicate back and forth with the clients in the room. Orb’s are a form of spiritual energy and do not typically transform into a transparent human form unless they are seeking to communicate. Why transform you ask? Validation. If an orb transforms into a more human form it permits Truly to describe them as they were in their human form. As she relays that description it can help the client validate who is present and confirm Truly is not as nuts as some people tend to think she is.
“Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual” – Richard Conn Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University
I hope this blog helps you better understand the relationship and dependency of energy with what she does and also how limitless energy, vibrations and the universe really is.
This blog was written by Truly’s husband with the assistance of Truly to capture a level of understanding most readers would comprehend. Truly’s husband works in the corporate world and does not posses the spiritual talents Truly does.