I had a moment, so I thought I'd address an issue that seems to come up quite frequently in my line of work...... Ouija Boards.
Sigh, to be honest, I'm really not a fan. When used properly, they can be accurate tools of divination, but rarely are they used with the reverence that they deserve. Hasbro has made a game of connecting to the other side. I hear they now make them in Pink..... Yes, that's just what I want my daughter to play with, a pink tool of divination used to connect with the other side. Come on, where is the responsibility or accountability!
Anyway, like any tool of divination, you need to have respect for it, and the power behind it. I think its amazing that people who have knowledge of the other side, just pick it up and start playing. Yes, I totally understand curiosity, but honestly would you do that with a steam powered engine, a kitchen stand mixer or a rifle? NO, you wouldn't. You would read the instructions, and maybe even ask a friend who knows something about it to help you understand it better before you played with it. You should do the same with a ouija board if you decide you really want to use it.
You should also start with a prayer. Make sure to protect yourself. It does not have to be anything fancy, but it does have to ask for protection for all in the room, and it does have to be done with pure intent. How do you know WHO you are inviting in is actually from the "Light" and not the "Dark"? Yes of course you can ask them, but who's to say they aren't lying? Validation & verification are key, for anyone who is using a divination tool. I validate & verify constantly in my own practice. The other thing I'd really like to stress is how to close the communication. Be sure to say goodbye in a strong loud voice. This is telling the spirits that they are no longer welcome and that they should go back to whence they came. You could also do another prayer asking that everyone who attended be safely returned to their homes (living & dead). Even with all this, I suggest that if you are a novice, then please, ask someone with a background in spiritual world to train you or to at least sit in on a session with you. As you can tell, I'm still not a fan.
Now, as for things that go bump in the night...... My favorite! lol, just teasing. When you have an unwanted visitor like a ghost, apparition, or spook how you deal with them is actually very simple. Its 4 simple words: "Please Go A Way". Honestly, that's it. Once a spirit understands that it is not welcome, it will leave (for the most part). Very rarely do I come across a spirit who sticks around once they become aware that they are no longer welcome. If you have asked them to leave, and they have not within an hour or so, then you need to call in the big guns like Durham Rescue Mediums or someone like myself. We are trained and educated to handle these types of situations. Please do not attempt to make them leave by yourself. We do not work alone, neither should you. If we cant get to you right away, you can without causing any harm, "smudge" the home or space. Here is a good website for tips on how to smudge: http://www.nativeamericanresearch.org/smudging.html This will neutralize the energy in the space, thus allowing you to feel more comfortable. In all my years of working with spirit and the other side, only a handful of times have they actually been strong enough to manifest into something that can actually cause hurt or harm. This is extremely rare and very unusual. The way I tell people to act when they have a spirit in their home is like kids in a school yard. If you play nice, so will they!
Anyway, I better run, I have another client shortly.
Thanks for reading Lovies! Love & Light, Truly