Believe it or not, I was a very isolated introverted Indigo as a child..... yes, Really. They would have sent me on my own to sailing school, but I would not go without my brother. He was my safety net. Any way, because I waited for him, we were always in the same class, which I think he really disliked, lol. But at least we had one another to practice Knots with. We both loved being on the water. We had a pool in our yard, and had taken swimming lessons. Being on the water taught me so many things about life lessons. We learned about nature, team work, diversity, understanding, natural forces and drive.
The greatest lesson I learned was about constantly 'Trimming' the sail. Trimming is a sailing term meaning to check your sails, and adjust them accordingly, to make sure that you receive and retain as much wind as possible. On each sail, there are tell-tales - small ribbons or yarn attached each side of the sail that both stream horizontally to indicate a properly trimmed sail. It is very easy to become distracted, and ignore your Tell-Tales. When we were sailing, the Sun was usually shining, the sky was blue, the water had a ripple, with the blowing of the wind. If it was an exceptionally windy day, we could 'Trapeze' (meaning strap ourselves to a wire on the boat, and hang off the side), which was Really, Really Fun. If you were out on the Trapeze, and missed the warning of a Tell-Tale, you'd easily be dunked in the lake and your boat Turtle'd (meaning completely upside down, with sails and mast in the water). I can still hear my two instructors yelling 'Truly WATCH YOUR TELL-TAILS!" LOL, I'd been Turtle'd on more than one occasion while sailing, and in life for that matter. lol.
Lately, I've had a rash of clients come in with big life changes. After the fact, most of them see the signs that life was about to change, but are so caught up in everything thats going on that they miss it when it's happening..... See, the Tell-Tales.... and they have been Turtle'd.
Its not always easy to keep an eye on your Tell-Tales, but when you learn how important they are, you learn to make them a priority. You put checks in place. For example, I check to make sure that my partner and I are ok everyday. How you ask.... I make sure to tell him 'I love you' everyday. The day that I don't want to say I love you, or hesitate to say it, I know there is something else wrong. I do the same with my son. This is just one example. Another check I make is in my spiritual growth. Each week I set aside at least 1 hour to meditate. I check in with my guides, my loved ones who have passed, and my angels to make sure I'm still working on the right lessons and still following the correct path. When I have trouble meditating, that's a Tell-Tale for me to pay attention to. If I don't correct the thing that's preventing me from meditating, My boat will end up 'Turtle'd'.
Disaster is usually so easily diverted, and yet, we forget to watch our Tell-Tales. My dear friends, do a check. Check the direction of your life &the direction of your relationships. Check the direction that your motivation is coming and going in. Check, Check, Check your Tell-Tales. You can change it, if you know about it ahead of time.
Well Lovies, I'm off to play with my two favorite boys. Thanks for reading, and please feel free to leave a comment. Love & Light, Truly
P.S. To my 'little' Brother, Happy Birthday! & Thanks for choosing me as your 'big' Sister. I'll crew for you anytime. Much Love xoxoxo.
"The man without a high purpose is like a ship without a rudder-a waif, a nothing, a no man." Thomas Carlyle
"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails. " William A. Ward