I looked up both Dog & Raven in Ted Andrews Animal-Speak book when I got home:
Dogs, are companions to humans, providing faithful protection.... Examine the qualities of your breed and individual dog. It will reveal much about the energy associated with it. If dog has come into your life as a totem, ask yourself some questions: What is this saying about your need for or lack of companionship? Are you being faithful? Are others around you? Are you showing unconditional love, or receiving it? You you need to be more protective of your territory? Do you need to play a little more? Are you being faithful to yourself? Does your spirit need bolstering? How about those around you? Examine your territories. Dog knows its home ground, and if it has shown up, its energies and lessons will touch you personally.
Ravens reflect the creative life force...... which can be used to work the magic of spiritual laws upon the physical plane. It can be used to go into the void and stir the energies to manifest that which you most need. All this and more is what raven teaches. If raven has come into your life, expect magic. Somewhere in your life magic is at play. Raven activates the energy of magic, linking it with your will and intention.... Raven speaks messages from the spirit realm that can shapeshift your life dramatically.
Thanks, Grampa, Dad, Raven and her Momma.
You can do hard things, just keep moving forward. Spirit will always be with you.
You can watch the Cold Plunge video on my Facebook Page.