As I'm sure it's been a busy end of year in your house the same goes here. My family and I have been on the run for at least 2 months now. I typically work 6 days a week, but have 4 in a row off this week so I thought I'd celebrate with a new blog. :)
As some of you know I have a little guy (Thomas, T or Sir) who is about 2. He's a whole lot of fun and we are so lucky to have him. No doubt he will be a very gifted Medium if he so chooses to persue his gifts. Last week I had to show him how to ask spirit to leave. I've see T play with spirit (my dad, my husbands dad, even my step grandma Marg), but I've never seen him upset by spirit. It was the 1st evening I had been home in a while. I was busy preparing for company the next day when T came running in the kitchen. He was crying and immediately grabbed my leg. I bent down to comfort him and see what the matter was. I honestly thought he hit his head or pinched a finger or something to that effect. I was taken back when he said to me 'bad guy mummy, bad guy'. That's strange I thought. I started trying to remember the last time I cleared the house (about 3 days before). I hugged T and asked him if he would show me. Brave little solider that he is took me by my hand and lead me to our hall way. He pointed up, close to the ceiling and sure enough we had an unexpected guest. It was a lower level vibration (recently deceased spirit) who was looking for a way back into the light. I keep my home very protected as a rule and was in shock that they were able to get in. I bent down and T wrapped his arms around my neck still nervous. I told the spirit it was not welcome here and it was not ok that it was scaring my son. I asked it why it was here? It went on to tell me that it had recently crossed and was too scared to go into the light then, but now couldn't even find the light. While it was wandering, looking for the light, it saw my light. I guess even though I don't have a neon sign in the physical, I do in the spiritual lol. With T still around my neck I picked him up and stood. "Now T watch" I said. "We are going to help send them home where they belong." He nodded and seemed to calm down a bit. With that I started a prayer. I asked God, the Angels and my Spirit guides to protect us and help me open a portal to the other side to let this lost soul in. I asked Arc Angel Micheal to come and show it the way home. My hall way became extremely bright for 6 pm in the end of December. The spirit, thankfully did not come in much past the front door, and now there was a big beautiful portal filled with light between us (think of a black hole in space, but filled with light). It thanked me, apologized for scaring T and intruding. It gently passed through the light and was gone. I prayed again that it would have safe passage and that we could close the portal now. The portal began to shrink until it just dissapeared, like a speck of dust. I again thanked God, the Angels and my Spirit guides for helping me and for keeping us safe. I also asked them to re-secure my home so that I would not have anymore unannounced guests. I looked down at T who was still hanging on to my neck. He smiled at me and said 'bad guy gone". He gave me a kiss on the cheek and wriggled till I put him down. Off to play as his cars were waiting. You would have never known there was a 'bad guy' to begin with.
Sending a spirit home is all about intention. Ask for protection. When you ask God, the Angels and your guides to help they can help you do almost anything. Including helping a soul go home.
Anyway that's just another day in the life of a Medium. Or as my girlfriend Siobhan says its #MediumProblems.
Well lovies, thanks for reading and all the best to you and yours in the new year.
Love & Light,