This past week has been rather interesting. I really truly love what I do, although it can be very taxing.
Lets talk about the people I bring forward. I'm so lucky to be able to bring forward the love and messages from people who passed away. Earlier in the week, I was able to reunite a father with his 5 year old daughter. I am not going to get into the details of the messages (not only because I can't remember, but also for confidentiality reasons.) Sometimes its really emotionally draining to do this work. Not physically, as its not my energy, but emotionally its very taxing. Naturally, as a parent, I think of my own child (soon to be children ;o)) and it can be disastrous. Either way, I'm thankful to be able to connect them again. To help them both to heal. It is fascinating stuff to be apart of.
I work very hard at keeping the messages I receive from spirit as accurate as possible. There is a 2 fold reason for this: 1. I am simply the message barer, I have no right to change what someone else deems important. Sometimes spirit talks about something that seems so trivial, or pointless, and yet the client knows exactly why its being brought up. On more than one occasion I've second guessed why someone would be showing me a casserole dish, a fishing rod or even the piston from an engine. When I give the information to the client they get it, and really that's all that matters to me. 2. If I do this correctly, that person's personality will show up, and you will feel more at ease with the information you are being given. So, if they were loud & boisterous, I will be that way, or quiet and meek. I love when people really connect with me and trust me to show their loved ones that they really do still exist. Its pretty incredible.
Hey! Where did you go? I have a lot of clients come looking to hear from that one person in particular. Unfortunately sometimes they are not able to come. Interestingly enough though, it doesn't always mean that all is lost. Sometimes I can get information on where that person is, or why they can't be here. Today in fact I had a lady desperately looking to hear from her father. He was not able to come through. I was able to locate him, and see what he was up too. Turns out he never left her mother, and is patiently waiting to reunite with her. We seem to easily forget that just because we are not living in the physical form, doesn't mean we are not living. Her father has attached himself to her mother instead of caring on to heaven. This is a perfect example of free will.
Well my dears, I'm in desperate need of some down time. I'm going to go have a nap, as all pregnant women should do when tired. Have a fantastic week & until we meet again......
Love & Light,